The Improvements Committee constituted for the purpose of carrying out the Improvements of the City. The Committee consists of 26 members including the Chairman.


The Improvements Committee considers the business entered on the Agenda for each Monthly Meeting which consists of letter received from the Administration, communications received from the Corporation and its other Committees, Letters from the Councillors and Notice of Motion from the Members.

As per Section 49I (c) of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, if requested by written requisition to call a special Meeting, the Chairman has to call such meeting not less than four members of the Committee of the said Committee for the transaction of any business.

Improvements Committee may delegate any of their powers and duties to the sub-committee consisting of members of the Improvements Committee as they think fit.


As per Section 49I(a) of the M.M.C. Act, the meeting of the Improvements Committee shall be held once in a month at such other times, if found necessary.

As per Section 49I(d) of the Act, quorum of 9 members if required to transact the business at the Meeting.

As per Section 49I(f) of the Act, Improvements Committee take decision on the business before the Meeting by a majority of votes of the members of the Improvements Committee present at the Meeting.


The Improvements Committee meets for the dispatch of business in the municipal head office and can from time to time make such regulations with respect to such meetings as they think fit. (Sec. 49 I).

The Improvements Committee meets once a month and at such other times, if find necessary [clause (a)] [The notice of the Meeting specifying the day, the time and the place of which such meeting is to be held and the business is to be transacted in the meeting (Agenda and Accompaniments) is prepared by the Municipal Secretary and send to the Committee members at their residential address.]

The first meeting of each Improvements Committee held on a day and at the time to be fixed by the Mayor [Sec. 49 I (b)].

The Chairman of the Improvements Committee whenever he thinks fit call a Special Meeting of the Improvements Committee, upon a written requisition signed by the Commissioner, or by not less than four members of the Committee, within Forty-eight hours for the transaction of any business. [Clause (c)]

Quorum of 9 members is required for transacting the business before the Committee. [clause (d)]

The Commissioner has right to remain present in the meetings of the Improvements Committee and to take part in the discussion but he has no right to vote upon or to make any proposition at such meeting.

The Improvements Committee is constituted for the development of City of Mumbai.


The Improvements Committee consists of 26 councillors (Sec.49B). The Corporation nominate at their first Meeting after General Elections 26 councillor amongst them to be members of the Improvements Committee (Sec.49C). One-half of the members of the Improvements Committee retire at noon on the first day of April every year. The members who retire one year after constitution of the Improvements Committee are being selected by a lot in the month of March every year in such a manner as the Chairman may determine [Sec. 49E (b)]. The Corporation at their ordinary meeting in the month of March, nominate new members of the Improvements Committee in place of retiring members as aforesaid [Sec. 49F(1)].The Improvements Committee at their First meeting in each official year, appoints one of their own member to be their Chairman until the First Meeting of the said Committee in the next following official year [Sec. 49D(1)].